Category: Firefighter Cancer Prevention
DQE Introduces a New Line of Firefighter Health and Wellness Products
DQE’s Firefighter Health & Wellness line of products is based on the latest research related to firefighter cancer prevention. Research demonstrates that chronic exposure to heat, smoke, and toxic flame retardants through inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption place firefighters at increased risk of cancer. DQE’s Firefighter Health & Wellness line contains products that reflect the best practices for reducing exposure to cancer-causing carcinogens through Zone Establishment, Gross Carcinogen Decontamination (PPE and Skin), and Post-Decontamination.

Firefighter decontamination challenges: Knowledge versus practice
Is the increased awareness about the risk of cancer moving firefighters to take action? An extensive amount of information has been developed by fire service organizations like the IAFC and IAFF as well as non-fire service organizations like the Fire Fighter Cancer Foundation and the Firefighter Cancer Support Network to educate us on the benefits of post-fire decontamination of your body and… Read more »
Poster for Minimizing Firefighter Cancer Risks
“Firefighters are contracting cancer at an alarming rate, and we need to take action to protect our brothers and sisters,” Chief Brian McQueen, co-chair of NVFC’s Cancer Subcommittee and a cancer survivor, said in a March 6 press release. “Fortunately, there are specific things we can do to lessen our risks and prevent exposure.” The… Read more »