Category: Heat Safety
OSHA Launches National Emphasis Program on Outdoor and Indoor Heat Hazards
Workers suffer over 3,500 injuries and illnesses related to heat each year. In April, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration launched a National Emphasis Program to protect millions of workers from heat illness and injuries.

CDC Heat & Health Tracker
Record heat is spreading across the United States. Explore the heatwave forecast for your county and track weekly cases of heat-related illness across the country with the CDC Heat & Health Tracker. Search for heat and health by county or zip code, create custom maps, view data snapshots, and access CDC guidance and resources.

U.S. troops are falling to heatstroke as the military struggles to balance training with rising temperatures.
Rising temperatures from climate change pose a threat to military personnel, both at home and abroad. There have been a total of 11,452 heat injury incidents reported U.S. Armed Forces Military bases from 2014-2018. And since 2008, according to the Pentagon, at least 17 troops have died due to of heat exposure during training exercises… Read more »