The DQE Slyde Evacuation Sled, a Reliable and Cost-Effective Solution for Non-Ambulatory Building Evacuation
DQE has announced the acquisition of the Slyde Evacuation Sled, an innovative expansion of its emergency evacuation product line. In the event of fires, natural disasters, attacks or other emergencies, moving injured or immobilized individuals can be a challenge. The DQE Slyde Evacuation Sled offers an easy to use, cost-effective and reliable solution to evacuate non-ambulatory occupants from any multi-story building. This exciting evacuation transportation device is a perfect fit with DQE’s philosophy of bringing high-quality, practical, and affordable equipment to the healthcare and emergency response community.
DQE Introduces a New Line of Firefighter Health and Wellness Products
DQE’s Firefighter Health & Wellness line of products is based on the latest research related to firefighter cancer prevention. Research demonstrates that chronic exposure to heat, smoke, and toxic flame retardants through inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption place firefighters at increased risk of cancer. DQE’s Firefighter Health & Wellness line contains products that reflect the best practices for reducing exposure to cancer-causing carcinogens through Zone Establishment, Gross Carcinogen Decontamination (PPE and Skin), and Post-Decontamination.

Building Cultures of Preparedness
Efforts over the last two decades to prepare communities for disasters have failed and new methodologies need to be developed, according to research by FEMA’s Higher Education Program. The FEMA Higher Education National Emergency Training Center Building Preparedness report highlights the vast diversity of American communities and households, indicating that a one-size-fits-all strategy is not… Read more »

Nearly 254 Pounds of Deadly Synthetic Opioid Captured in US Border Agency’s Largest-Ever Fentanyl Bust
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials announced Thursday their biggest fentanyl bust ever, saying they captured nearly 254 pounds (114 kilograms) of the deadly synthetic opioid from a secret compartment inside a load of Mexican produce heading into Arizona. The drug was found hidden Saturday morning in a compartment under the rear floor of a tractor-trailer after a scan during secondary inspection indicated “some anomalies” in the load, and the agency’s police dog team alerted officers to the presence of drugs, Nogales CBP Port Director Michael Humphries said.

WHO expert: Ebola outbreak to continue at least 6 more months
“This is the most complicated setting we’ve ever experienced in order to stop an Ebola outbreak,” said Peter Salama, WHO deputy director-general for emergency preparedness and response. “At a minimum, it will take six further months to stop.”
Resources to Educate & Prepare Responders for Fourth Generation Chemical Agents
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has published resources on fourth generation agents. These resources include: Safety Awareness for First On-Scene Responders Bulletin, Reference Guide for HazMat Response Teams, and Medical Management Guidelines.

Grants for Opioid-Response Initiatives
If your agency does not have funding within its budget to cover much-needed equipment such as ppe for protecting your staff, trace detection machines to safely identify the substance, or Narcan kits to administer to those who have overdosed, here are several grant-funding options you should consider to cover these costs.

Save With DQE Hospital Emergency Preparedness Training Sale
Receive 20% off on DQE’s On-Site Training Courses – just in time to plan for the coming year. Purchase your training by the end of January to qualify! DQE provides education that is practical and scalable to enhance your hospital’s strengths and build a sustainable state of readiness in your facility. Our programs are delivered by experienced instructors, customizable based on your local needs and in compliance with national standards and regulations.

Police officers exposed to dangerous drugs in HazMat scene
What began Wednesday as a 911 call for an ill person at a West Toledo home turned into an extensive decontamination effort and the hospitalization of several police officers exposed to a suspected dangerous drug, including one officer who gave herself the opioid overdose-reversing drug naloxone.

DQE Showers in OH HazMat Response
At least 16 people, including seven Toledo police officers, were hospitalized late Tuesday after being exposed to a dangerous drug during a bust.